February 10, 2023, the illness of alcohol addiction took the promise of life from Marissa Kathleen Dolezal and a beautiful, sparkling light was extinguished from this world. Marissa will be remembered for her loud Dolezal laugh that shook her entire body, her beautiful smile that enveloped her whole face, having a huge caring heart, her obsession with anything thrift, her love of animals, and her deep and abiding love for her family.
Marissa was born impatient. She entered the world on 2/19/1989, 22 minutes after her mom and dad got to the hospital. She proceeded to show no interest in crawling but went straight to walking at age 9 months. Marissa also learned to talk in full sentences at a very young age, going on to dominate most conversations she was involved in from that point forward.
Marissa’s first and greatest love was for her sister Kierstyn. After Kierstyn’s birth, their parents were very clear that Kierstyn would be called by her given name. Marissa, however, promptly decided that her baby sister should be known as Kiery Deary, which was then shortened to Kier and from then on Kierstyn was…… Kier. Marissa’s other lifelong loves were her cousins, ALL of them so close to each other- she considered them not as cousins, but as brothers and sisters.
Marissa always had a very close relationship with her grandparents and was heartbroken when her beloved Papa (John Dolezal) passed away. She has remained close to both of her grandma’s (Jan Short and Kathy Dolezal) whom she considered two of her very best friends her whole life.
Marissa met and was supported by so many great friends from the AA and NA communities. All of them always cheering Marissa on and giving her encouragement in her war against addiction, while Marissa found so much joy in all her friends’ successes and milestones. She was devastated when their addictions were sometimes just too strong to overcome.
Marissa is survived by-
Her dad John (JD) Dolezal
Her mom Pam Dolezal and her stepdad John (JP) Pearson
Her sister Kierstyn (Michael) Triggs
Her stepbrother Adam Pearson.
Her Grandma Kathy Dolezal
Her Grandma Jan Short
Her Aunts - Julie (Chad) Pence, Traci Matter, Lisa (Craig) Hammond
Her Uncle Donnie Dolezal
Her cousins –
Lauran Pape and her son Cassius
Sam Pape
Dylan Dolezal (Kelsey Cole)
Jared Matter and his son Jaxon
Lance Novak and his son Daxton
Miranda Novak (Vince Bjorem)
Her very special Uncles Bruce Matter, Jon Pape and Aunt Kelli Evans.
She was met in Heaven by both of her grandfathers, John Dolezal and Baron Short, her Uncle Grant Short and stepsister Kailey Pearson as well as multiple fur babies, Jordan and Hooper in particular.
To Marissa’s friends and anyone who is still in the battle against addiction- Keep fighting, turn to your community support organizations, your support outlets, friends and family. To everyone who knows someone in the struggle— and we all know SOMEONE in the fight directly or indirectly - Love everyone, show compassion and Grace, you never know the battle that they are fighting. Understand that their family is in the fight also- they fear everything; phone calls, seeing people on the street corner or park, they probably won’t open a conversation with you about what is going on- encourage them, provide a soft landing.
In the Iowa area if you or someone you know needs help and doesn’t know where to turn this is an amazing starting point for everything addiction (of any kind) and mental health- Your Life Iowa (YLI). Please seek help if even by phone call or email at first- every initial recovery journey starts with reaching out.